Faces in the Crowd #peopleandplaces

Are you like me? some one that loves to sit and watch people. John and I have never found it hard to start up a conversation with the people we meet. Its why we love what we do everyday in business. Travelling allows us to engage on a whole new level. We are usually more relaxed – less worried about time and genuinely interested in a local perspective.

It also makes us reflect on our beautiful country and what we probably take for granted.

How often do we wander off the beaten path in our own backyard. Are we held back by a perception of fear or nervousness based on media coverage or stories of misconception and misrepresentation.

By taking yourself our of your comfort zone it allows you to widen your eyes to the possibility or understanding and acceptance of how we as a human race choose, or maybe not,by choice live our lives.

By not knowing what you don’t need to know….and being sensible or street wise, I believe you can engage on a whole new level.

I’m not saying take a risk where instinctively you know that you shouldn’t but to flex a little – enjoy that moment of conversation with a homeless person, make a street urchin laugh and giggle to lighten their day. Stop and chat with a street vendor or musician. Talk to the person on the subway, in the local store, at the museum or while waiting for the light to turn green on a crossing anywhere in the world.

As a photographer the lens can either enable or disable a conversation…based on need (money) or privacy or simply because your body language was open and friendly.

Try it next time you travel in your own backyard or anywhere else in the world….its magic.